I can’t believe it’s already time for Thanksgiving, can you?
It takes a lot of work to prepare all that food; it’s almost as much work
cleaning up the kitchen after the meal.
And you have to get the rest of the meat off the turkey carci; that was
more fun when the turkey was warm – and you were hungry. Sure, you’ve got a
dishwasher, but not every dirty dish fits in there…
Speaking of dishwashers, somebody at work today told me that
the best way to clean your dishwasher is to put Tang in it. This is the
powdered orange drink that the astronauts drank in space. You just add water. I
guess NASA thought there was water on the moon…
Regardless, if you try the Tang in your dishwasher, my friend
said to do it when the dishwasher is empty.
If the conversation gets slow at the table tomorrow you can
bring this up.