I stopped into a new deli in town the other day. It's a vegan deli. Their lunch special was lobster roll. I love lobster roll so naturally I was curious as to how a vegan deli could serve one since lobster was considered to be meat. The server behind the counter assured me that it was "imitation lobster". That was interesting I thought, 'cause I always thought imitation crab was some other crustacean that tasted kinda like crab. I wasn't sure for lobster.
There used to be a lobster tank in a bar one town over where, for $2, you could try to catch a lobster with this big hook that came down, like in that scene in Toy Story where Tom Hanks almost gets hooked in the arcade game. In this bar, if you catch the lobster they cook it for you along with a baked potato. All for $2!
The server at the new deli said they had no plans to put one of these tank games in for the imitation lobsters.