My barber goes out of his way to do his job. If you remember, he gave me an underground haircut during April of 2020 prior to my daughter’s wedding when the barbershops were all closed. Another time I stopped in late afternoon and his shop was closed but I caught him on the way to his car and we walked back to his shop together and he gave me a nice trim.
Today, I parked at a meter outside his shop. I didn't have much change so I only got 15 minutes at the meter. Halfway through my haircut, he ran out the door without saying anything. He had seen the meter maid coming. (I had told him I was a bit short on coin.) No, he didn’t stab the meter maid with his scissors; no, my car didn’t get towed – nothing like that. No, he didn’t save my car while his got towed. No, he didn’t convince the meter maid to come in for a haircut. All that would make a better story. He merely put another quarter in my meter and got me another 15 minutes.
Regardless, I think this might make a good movie. We may have to trim the story down a bit but there will still be some highlights.