We don’t see as many nicknames as we used to, do we? The days of cool nicknames are probably behind us, unfortunately. It’s too bad ‘cause some of the nicknames were great. But there’s one nickname I won’t miss, and that’s Doc. Oh, it’s fine to be called that if you’re a doctor. Doc Holiday was a dentist, for instance. But what’s with the people who are called that who aren’t doctors? Are they trying to impress women? Did their parents want them to be doctors? I can’t think of another profession related nickname used by people outside the profession, can you?
(I guess one exception may have been Digger Phelps, the former basketball coach. Most of us associate the name Digger with employees at the cemetery.)
I used to know a guy named Dock. To my knowledge he did not become a doctor. He may have become a longshoreman but I’ve never been able to confirm that.