Monday, November 27, 2023


I had dinner tonight with a retired business executive. The topic of the labor shortage came up. I ran my Student Driver Pizza Delivery (SDPD) concept by him. He absolutely loved it.  While acknowledging that yes, a parent would have to ride along on the deliveries, that’s not a big issue because the child needs to drive with a parent for 50 hours anyway. SDPD provides the following benefits:

  •                    It allows the child to earn a wage (plus tips) while getting their 50 hours in
  •          It provides much needed labor for area restaurants
  •          It helps the kids learn their way around town
  •          It keeps kids off the streets  (Okay, yeah, the kid would technically be on the street, but you know what I mean)

Let’s face it. The traditional student driver methods don’t always work. Many years ago on a trip I tried to get one of my kids to drive us across Iowa, hoping to use up some of those 50 hours. They lasted maybe one county. 

In hindsight, maybe I should have picked a more exciting state.  


Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Life of $1 Pie

Have you tried these $1 pies at Speedway? No, I haven’t either. But I saw the sign for it. It was right under “Help Wanted” on their sign. If you’re relying on one or more of these pies for your contribution to the family meal on Thursday my recommendation would be to try one first before you take it to Grandma’s.

If you do go the $1 pie route, and if the pie turns out to be very small, you have some options:

  •                       Leave it in your car until the tryptophan kicks in. Then you can sneak it in.
  •                       Sneak it in and leave early (not optimal)
  •           Smear it in somebody’s face after the Lions win

Happy Thanksgiving!


Sunday, November 19, 2023

Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Ford Galaxy

We don’t pick up many hitchhikers these days do we? It’s too bad, ‘cause a lot of movie plots revolved around hitchhikers. The movie “Detour” comes to mind. Hitchhikers also played a major role in pop music over the years. Check out songs like the great “Phantom 309”. (Bring a hanky for that one.) Heck, I bet a lot of you met your spouses hitchhiking. It was a thing.

Well, hitchhiking has become extremely rare these days - I can't tell you the last time I saw one. How rare have they become, you ask? My friend saw a guy alongside the road with his thumb up and he didn't know if the guy wanted a ride or if the guy was just admiring his car. Yeah.


Wednesday, November 15, 2023

More Words Sometimes Confused with Acronyms

YOGA vs YODA – One of these in from Star Trek. I forget which.

FANTA vs FAYGO – I still don’t know if either of these is an acronym. But they can co-exist because they complement each other so well: Faygo doesn’t have a pineapple soda and Fanta doesn’t have a clear cream soda. And I think Faygo has a cola nobody ever drinks. Which leads us to…

Cola vs COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment) – I don’t remember my father ever drinking cola much but he had a COLA in his contract at work. I wish I had one. Speaking of cola…

MR. PIBB vs DR. PEPPER – Dr. Jonas Salk invented the first safe and effective vaccine for polio. I wonder if he ever met Dr. Pepper?

NOVI Michigan – Legend has it that the city was named after the sixth toll gate (No. VI) on the Grand River Road.

That, my good readers, is a Roman acronym. When a Roman numeral becomes part of a word, or the foundation of a word, it is a Roman acronym. That’s what we’re calling it. Mark it down.  


Sunday, November 12, 2023

Big Cheese

I went to a reception Thursday and had some delicious goat cheese. It got me thinking: Have you ever had to sit behind someone with one of those Green Bay cheese heads at a game? That can’t be fun. I’m troubled to think that those things are even allowed at a game…

When Green Bay’s quarterback Aaron Rodgers left to go to the Jets earlier this year, some Jets fans wore cheese heads to the game, only these heads were white cheese, which goes with the Jets team colors. I thought that was pretty clever. As a side note, someone was kind enough to give me a nice Jets shopping bag recently. And yes, I plan to use it to purchase cheese.

What if Tom Brady had played for Green Bay? Since he is commonly referred to as the G.O.A.T. (greatest of all time), would the cheese heads have been goat cheese? We’ll never know.

I know, you may think my cheese theory is full of holes…


Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Chicken Lobby

You know those blue signs on the interstate where they list all the restaurants at the next exit? Have you noticed for Chick-Fil-A that they put on the sign the words “Closed Sundays”? Wait. What? Are there people out there who really don’t know by now that Chick-Fil-A is closed on Sunday? C’mon. Even the vegetarians know Chick-Fil-A is closed on Sunday. Maybe they should take it to the next level and add the words “but KFC is open”.

I think this concept should apply to retailers as well. When we hear the phrase “25 shopping days ‘til Christmas”, the following tag line needs to be added: “22 shopping days ‘til Christmas at Hobby Lobby”. Yeah.