The fertilizer man was at our house last week. After applying the (in this case) seed, he called me and asked this opening question: "Do you plan on using your patio this summer?” Now, I thought that was an odd question, and thus, I was not prepared to answer it. I was concerned, thinking perhaps he had found a contaminant in the soil, or maybe detected a gas leak. No. He proceeded to tell me that he had seen a lot of bugs in the yard and I may not want to go out there. This was his way of trying to get me to buy their bug spray service. I was incredibly relieved when I heard him say that. I think I may have laughed.
I should have told him, “No. Our plans were to only use the patio for the eclipse this year.” Or, “Yeah, our plans are to use it, but let us know what day you need it and we’ll work something out.”
For what it’s worth, I’m still using that cheap bug repellent where you have to catch the bugs and then dip them in the repellent. Hey, you get what you pay for.