Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Tasty Test

I took a taste test at our local grocery store a while back. I did not have to get blindfolded. I never liked those grocery store blindfold tests, and, as a matter of fact, I refuse to participate in those (unless the money is right). I’ve never been comfortable being blindfolded in a building that houses a meat grinder. I mean, like, what if the store gets robbed during your test, or they just get really busy, and you’re blind folded and you wander off in the wrong direction like that Pin the Tail on the Donkey kid at your birthday party. But I digress. The lady asked me to sample two colas in unmarked cups. I was thirsty at the time so I agreed to participate. I preferred the cup on the left: Yes, I had chosen Pepsi over RC Cola. 

So I, like everybody else, had selected the more expensive product. Gosh! What a surprise. But, the immediate effect on me was not to make me go out and buy Pepsi, but instead, I felt sorry for RC Cola. So, I tried to take the test again to help out RC but the lady said that would be against policy. So I made up this story that I had just eaten some fresh pineapple and it had messed up my taste buds and could we nullify my test results. She wouldn’t have it. Sorry RC.

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