As we approach our one year anniversary here at Uncle Tommy,
it’s a time for reflecting on what’s taken place and also for looking forward.
We’ve received a number of questions from our readers that we’d like to try to
Q: What’s been your biggest disappointment in the first year
of your blog?
UT: Not reaching the African readers. We have readers from
all of the continents except Africa. We
may try some sort of leaflet drop/flyover, but it’s a large continent. You may
see us take on a few more African themes over the next few months. Themes like
water quality, diseases spread by flying insects and election fraud. Oh, wait,
those are American problems...
Q: When you write, do you exaggerate a bit?
UT: I give the readers what I think they can handle. I give
them what they need. So, often the story is under
told. The blog is targeted for family viewing so we find ourselves leaving out
some of the blood and guts stuff.
Q: What’s your biggest challenge?
UT: While we try to come up with ideas that are fresh, too
often we find that our “fresh” idea is already used by someone else, i.e. the
fitted sheet toga. Other ideas that we
thought were ours were already taken by someone else. For instance, the combination
yardstick / walking cane is already used. So is the telescope cane (if you’ve
gotta carry a cane around, let’s give it multiple uses…). So we gotta think of
something else we can do with a cane. On a positive note, we are still the
dominant player in the knitting kneedles chopsticks market.
Q: Won’t you eventually run out of material?
UT: As long as the world keeps changing, I’ll have material.
If the world stops changing, maybe I’ll do some reruns, but I’ll change
maybe one word in it when I do the re-post, and you’ll have to find the
difference. Kind of a “Where’s Uncle Tommy” sort of thing.
Q: What can we look
forward to in coming months?
UT: Well, this is a
political year and I may try to quote some of the politicians. I loved it when Reagan
said he was going to campaign in all 13 states and when Bob Dole said he had
but one wife to give to his country. And when
the wall goes up between the US and New Mexico we’ll be there to cover the story.
Thanks for reading. Please continue to send us your
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