So the Sully movie is out, starring Tom Hanks. I haven’t seen it yet, but it’s getting good reviews. The movie of
course is about the 2009 emergency landing of the commercial jet in the Hudson
River after it collided with a flock of geese. The flight lasted 3 minutes. The movie lasts ninety minutes. So yeah,
I’m trying to figure out what fills the other 87 minutes. Here are some guesses at what may fill some of
the time in the movie:
- Some background on the geese who died.Where they had been, where they were headed...
- Have Hanks explain the difference between flying the plane and flying the Apollo 13 spacecraft.
- Do the river landing in slow motion. (Yeah, like that’s not gonna happen.)
- Have some snakes on the plane. That worked a few years ago in a Samuel Jackson movie.
- Have New Jersey Governor Chris Christie block traffic on a bridge over the Hudson during the landing
- Have the geese survive and focus on their lives after the encounter
- Have John Glenn play the co-pilot. He’s still alive and likes to talk.
- Let Hanks talk about his next movie where he plays the president: “Forrest Trump”.
My only request here is that this film not be shown on
future commercial flights.
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