Now that everybody has their Christmas trees taken down, let’s
talk about getting rid of that other tree, the one we’re not as found of – the call
tree. The call tree is that thing at work where, if there’s an emergency, you
call certain colleagues, and then they call other certain colleagues, until
everybody has been called. Has anyone ever seen the call tree process work,
where maybe it saves a life or something? I have not. Like that old game “Telephone”
you played when you were a kid, you do practice runs or rehearsals of the call
tree and more times than not the message gets pretty mangled toward the end of
the process. I think there’s usually
like one guy somewhere in the process who changes the message intentionally and
messes it up. These rehearsals are tough to endure. Who has the desire to call
their co-workers on the weekend? We see enough of each other during the week.
Can’t this type of message be done with a mass text of some sort?
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