Sunday, August 20, 2017

Total Eclipse of the Head

So, tomorrow is the big eclipse. I assume this is one of those deals where the moon comes between the sun and the earth. Don’t look at it! I can relate to this situation because, believe it or not, I’ve been that moon. Wait. What? You’re asking yourself, how could your Uncle Tommy be the moon? Does he mean The Man in the Moon? Well, let me explain. As many of you know, I play the piano. As with any musician, I rely on light to be able to see my music. I used to play in this place where there was a spotlight shining on the piano from behind me. So, when I played, the spotlight shone brightly on the back of my head, which perfectly blocked its path to my music on the piano. I had become the moon in this solar model. Yes, a total eclipse of the head.

Oh yeah. I can play “Total Eclipse of the Heart” on the piano if the lighting is right.

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