OK you picky readers, I’m writing about birds now. I’ve been
studying state birds this spring. The cardinal is the state bird of seven different
states. With that many choices, when these cardinals are down south in the
winter, how do they know which state to fly back to? Regardless, one thing flew
out at me regarding the pictures of the state birds I saw as I studied this
subject. All seven of these cardinal states showed pictures of their state bird
and in each case the cardinal was male. The more pinkish colored female
cardinal was nowhere to be found. Admittedly, the female is not as attractive as the male, but c’mon,
couldn’t one of these seven states choose the female of the species as its
state bird?
In an effort to bring some equality to this long-neglected
male bird issue, I am approaching two states regarding initiating legislation to make the
following changes to their state bird designations:
Texas – Lady Bird Johnson
Indiana – Dan Quale’s wife
We’ll see if this flies…
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