Sunday, December 22, 2019

"As Seen on TV"

I was looking at Target for a gift that a relative had seen on TV. Of course I could not find the item. So I found a clerk to help me. I explained what I was looking for and she listened patiently. Finally, I mentioned that my relative had heard about the product from a commercial on TV. Well, that made it easy. The clerk took me to the “As Seen on TV” aisle on the other end of the store. Who knew there was such a thing? Sure enough, the item I was looking for was there. And no, it had not been in the aisle with similar items where I had looked before. So yeah, I never would have found it if I hadn’t found out about this “Seen on TV” aisle.

My goal in life is to not watch any commercials. But no. Now I have to watch commercials to know what part of the store to look in for my purchases. Thanks Target!

Merry Christmas!

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