Thursday, January 30, 2020

Roaring Twenties

My wife and I are going to a fundraiser this weekend. The theme of the party is “The Roaring Twenties”. We’re getting 1920 era clothing to wear. I thought about going to the goodwill to look for clothes but I don’t think they keep clothes around that long. But it turns out that Amazon sells Roaring Twenties clothes. So we got some. (I thought maybe they’d deliver it in some really old truck but they didn’t.) Well, I’m no expert, but I’m pretty sure they sent me an Amish hat. It’s black and has a really wide brim. Maybe it’s an Amish ‘20’s hat, I don’t know. But wouldn’t that be the same as the ones they wear today? I know this is all going to come up at the party…

So, like, do the Amish have parties where they dress up like 100 years ago? Or are all their parties like that?

Monday, January 27, 2020

Important Call

What’s the most annoying phrase you’ve heard on someone’s voicemail message? Is it “I’m not able to take your call right now.”? Yeah. That’s an obvious one, isn’t it? My least favorite is “Your call is important to me”. What’s up with that statement? Can we get rid of “Your call is important to me” please? That callee doesn’t know the content or purpose of the call. They don’t even know who the caller is. They can’t possibly know if the call is important to them.  

I think I’m going to change my message to, “If this call is an emergency please hang up and dial 911”. You can’t go wrong with that.   

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

At Capacity

We got on an elevator yesterday that had a maximum capacity of 6 people. That’s scary. Do they even make elevators like that anymore? And that capacity was probably set when people were thin. So yeah. It was an old elevator. We got on it. But it got me to thinking. When you ride in an elevator, do you look at the certificate that says when it was last inspected? You do that when the elevator is already running, don’t you? Yeah, I do that too. We all do… 

Can we get the capacity and the inspection certificate on the outside of the elevator so we know the elevator’s limitations before we get on it?  We need something to read while we’re waiting anyway…

Oh, and how about the elevators that measure capacity in total pounds? I hate having to ask everybody their weight and add it all up…

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Harry Fit

So yeah, the queen has OK’d Harry and Meghan to leave the royal family. That had to be tough for her. What if she had said “No”? Could she have jailed them? Put them on some island? I think they made their move too soon. ‘Cause what if Scotland votes to separate from Great Britain? Harry could have just moved up there and become their king. That would be a pretty slick move. I would have waited for that opportunity and THEN left the royal family. You moved too quick, Harry… 

So I guess the question becomes: will Harry get a last name now? Or will he still just be Harry? When they got married, Meghan had to keep her last name ‘cause Harry didn’t have one for her to take. I heard their wedding invitations said “Come to the wedding of Meghan Markle and Harry”…

I blame Meghan for this separation. Heck, we all do. I bet she, being a movie star and all, turned to him one day and said, “Go ahead Harry – make my day.” The rest is history.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Driver's Ed

While out driving this morning I got caught in the slow lane. I could see that the car a couple of cars ahead of us had a sign on the roof. That meant it had to be one of two things: a driver’s ed car, or a pizza delivery car. That got me thinking. Since we are at full employment and it’s so hard to find workers, why not combine driver’s education and pizza delivery? Driver training requires 50 hours of supervised driving. Why not earn $10 per hour delivering pizzas while getting your hours in, kids? Yeah, the instructor (or a parent!) would have to be in the car of course. But that money Papa John or whoever pays you can be used toward the cost of the driving instruction. C’mon! This makes way too much sense.

It really doesn’t take a genius to figure this stuff out.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Pay it Backwards

Many times now my wife has had someone pay for her coffee or food when she’s in a drive thru. Usually the buyer is the driver of the vehicle in front of her. It’s customary then for her to pay for the person behind her in line. Apparently the record at our local McDonalds for this activity is six consecutive cars. I suppose the winner in this process is the last car when there’s nobody behind them for them to pay for…

Nobody’s ever done this for me. I tried to do this once for a friend at a turnpike toll both (see post dated January 23, 2017). It didn’t work. With my luck at McDonald’s I’d be ahead of that family with 7 kids. I may try this at the walk up ice cream place. Not sure that works…

I’ve paid for the people behind me in the drive thru before but they say paying for people in my back seat doesn’t count…