Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Cookie Duh

What’s with the flavor “Cookie Dough”? Don’t the ice cream people know that there are many kinds of cookies? It could be oat meal, chocolate chip, thin mint, fig, snicker doodle, etc… Can we see some of these flavors developed already? And why do we not see molasses ice cream? Using the broad term “Cookie Dough” would be like using other general non-descriptive names for ice cream such as “Nut” ice cream, or “Fruit” ice cream. Yeah, “Cookie Dough” is WAY too general.  

“Cookie Dough’s” cereal equivalent would be “Grain Flakes”, or “Grain Crispies”. Or “Grain Chex”, “Grain Chex” and “Grain Chex”. Or, on the hot cereal side, we’d have “Grain Meal”, or “Cream of Grain”. Think of how boring the commercials might be…

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