Thursday, April 23, 2020

Happier Birthday

What good has come out of this virus thing? Where’s the silver lining, you ask? Well, this is what your Uncle Tommy does, finding silver linings in these types of situations. And I think we found one. So, yeah, what’s more disgusting than someone blowing out candles on a birthday cake? I’ve been bothered by this for years. You inevitably end up with pieces of saliva on the cake. Yuck! The cure for this would be to hold the cake outside the window and have the honoree blow through the screen. That’s a possibility. But a better solution would be for the blower to wear a mask and blow out the candles through the mask. In this scenario the mask acts as a screen, catching the saliva pieces that never reach the cake.    

If the mask catches fire you'll be on America's Funniest Video's no doubt. A win-win!

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday!! We definitely should have been employing your mask technique ever since we started this whole candles on cake tradition. On that same note about exhalation, maybe another silver lining is reduced encounters with garlic breath...

