Sunday, June 14, 2020

Timing is Everything

Did you ever wonder about how people knew when to be places before there were clocks? The only defined times during the day were sunrise and dusk. There must have been conversations like this: “Igor is late. I told him to be here at mid-morning!” Yeah, right. You could be late for anything in those days…

Even the dusk definition probably got debated: “Well, I always thought dusk was AFTER the sun went down…”

Nowadays, things are different. Times are more precise. I haven’t heard this yet, but I’m sure we will: “I stole the Rolex so I’d make sure I wouldn’t violate curfew.”

1 comment:

  1. “I stole the Rolex so I’d make sure I wouldn’t violate curfew.” sounds entirely plausible to me
