Thursday, December 3, 2020

Uncle Tom Collins

I bought alcohol today and had to show an ID. I said to the clerk, “I’m Uncle Tommy.” He said, “Huh?”. Turns out he doesn’t read the blog. (One of those freak things, I guess.) So I showed him my ID and explained it the way I always do (lately) by saying, “That’s me without the mask.” I think he appreciated that but you can’t get a good read on non-verbals with these darned masks on...

It was weird to get “carded” at my age. I wonder if they card people for alcohol during the designated senior citizens shopping hour. That would seem hypocritical. I mean, you have to be like 55 to get in, right?

Perhaps one of you older readers who drinks could chime in on this.




1 comment:

  1. Are you implying that the waitress or clerk who asks for my ID doesn't really think I look 16???
