Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Talkin' Collegiate Bean Bag Blues

Our daughter will be returning to college next month. Unfortunately she just received a notice stating that beanbag chairs are no longer allowed on campus due to these chairs now being considered fire hazards. (I'm guessing that a hungry student attempted to cook the beans while they were still in the chair, perhaps.) Regardless, this is a tough decision to hear as a parent. You see, the beanbag chair was always a source of comfort for parents of college kids. We knew that these colorful chairs, while certainly pretty worthless as a piece of  furniture, were a potential source of food for the kids if there was ever a bad storm or if their money ran out. The threat of having to eat the beans would force these young adults to be more responsible with their finances. A call home asking for money for food would be answered, "Well, did you eat the beans yet?" They would not typically ask again. As a side note, these beans do not have to be harvested all at once. The shrinking bags can be resealed with duct tape during the process and can continue to be used as small chairs or pillows.

For those of you still allowed to send a beanbag chair with your child to school, I would recommend giving each of them the following recipe to keep in their room as a reminder:

Uncle Tommy's Bean Dish

Ingredients: Beans, Tomato Paste (if available)
Remove beans from chair. Boil in large pot on hot plate for 25 min. Drain. Add paste (if available). Stir. Serve warm. Feeds 1.

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