Monday, April 25, 2016

Large Print Uncle Tommy

The doctor always says you gotta show up like 20 minutes before your appointment. I always kind of thought that was so you could read an article or two out of the Guidepost Magazine in the waiting room and thereby get yourself in the right frame of mind in case the doctor found out you had lupus or something. That magazine was always there – you could count on it. But now all of a sudden it’s not there anymore. Like prayer from the public schools, it’s gone. How do we get it back? Should I blame Obamacare?

I did find Guidepost Magazine recently at a coffee shop but it was the large print version. The magazine had the same size cover as the regular print version and it didn’t appear to be any thicker. So, if there’s way less words per page due to the large print, how do they squeeze in all the words? Are they leaving out the end of the stories? Using shorter words? And the pictures didn’t seem to be any bigger. What’s up with that? If the words are bigger, shouldn’t the pictures be bigger?

We’re working on a large print version of Uncle Tommy’s Select Thoughts. And you may see it in your doctor’s waiting room next time you’re there for a checkup. After all, people need to be in the right frame of mind.

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