Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Lose Weight with Tostitos!

It truly breaks our hearts here at Uncle Tommy to see so many obese children walking around. To help combat this crisis Uncle Tommy has devised a game that, although originally designed to educate children, has helped curb this out of control wight issue. All you need for this game is a bag of Tostitos, or some kind of chips. Tostitos, you ask? How can Tostitos help your child lose weight? Well, here’s how it works: Rules must be established that, before a chip can be eaten, the child must present the chip to you, the parent. And the child must state which US state the chip resembles. This obviously slows the chip chomping pace, and, as a byproduct, the child learns his states. And it's fun! The big rectangle chips are the Nevadas, Montanas, Colorados, etc, while the small chips at the bottom of the bag represent the New England States or maybe Delaware. The crumbs at the bottom of the bag are Hawaii, or, you can expand the game and include other US territories like Guam or American Samoa. 

If the game works as designed, the child improves his or her geography knowledge, and, at the same time, loses a few pounds.
Next: How alphabet soup helped me win The Spelling Bee. Hey, if old Cappy Dick could dream up games like these he’d still be in the paper.

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