Sunday, September 8, 2019

A as in Apple

Do you ever spell out a name of something for someone by using the A as in Apple, B as in Boy method? That helps, doesn’t it? I use that method for reading back numbers as well. In fact, I invented this method. It works like this: Let’s say you have to read back a product code to someone. And let’s say it’s a mix of letters and numbers. Your reading of the product code would go something like this: “A as in apple, zero as in Zero Mostel, K as in Kale, seven as in Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, P as in Poncho, etc”. I especially like the “seven” wording because the person hears the word seven 3 times. It would be pretty hard to mess that one up if you were writing down the code.

I of course have never seen Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, but sure enough, this person I used this method on last week had seen the movie years ago and had loved it. My goal is that this method gets popular to the point where there is a remake of Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.

How many actor brothers does Alec Baldwin have?

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