Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Brown Bag

When we walk our dogs, we pick up their stool(s) and then carry them with us in little bags. It’s almost a pride thing, isn’t it? We carry the bags as if to tell the world, “Hey look, I’m doing my part to improve society”. This is an improvement over years ago when you walked your dog and he or she just went and you left it there. Yeah, mankind may be a bit more civilized now in that regard.

But hey, let’s not stop there. There’s a second step. But we’re gonna call this part Step One. ‘Cause we’ve already covered number two.  Yeah, I’m talking urine here. I don’t like to see dogs urinating all over town. Everybody thinks that their dog needs to walk before they’ll go. But dogs can be taught. I don’t care how small your yard is; get the dog to go before you leave your yard. Is that so hard?

Once a neighbor told me on a walk that my “brown bag” was really big for the size of my dog. That led me to think that it would be funny to carry a really big bag of rocks with me when I walk a dog. Just to keep people guessing.


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