Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Hurricane Tommy

It seems like we are seeing a lot of new baby names these days, doesn’t it? This has actually been going on for some time. I think I know why. It stems from the south and the east coast. Nobody wants to use a name that’s been given to a destructive hurricane. And even if the name hasn’t been a destructive hurricane, there’s a pretty good chance that sooner or later your child’s name is gonna be given to a destructive hurricane. That’s rough. Ask your friend Katrina.

There’s an easy solution here: Have there ever been 26 hurricanes in one year? I don’t think so. So yeah, give your child a name from the end of the alphabet. Have we ever seen a Hurricane Yvette? Or a Hurricane Zack? Zelda?

It doesn’t take a genius to figure this stuff out.


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