Sunday, February 9, 2025

Hair Apparent


One of my sons got summoned for jury duty last month. I try not to be a helicopter parent or grandparent; my kids do just fine without me butting into their lives. (Besides, I spend most of my time on this blog – you readers are a demanding lot!) But I couldn’t resist throwing some advice his way. I told him that, as a juror, he didn’t have to wear one of those George Washington type white wigs in court. He probably knew that, but he thanked me for the advice. That made me feel good as a parent...

The wig advice got me thinking: there’re quite a few museums around the country that have a lock or two of what they claim is Washington’s hair on display. I’m guessing his barber kept it over the years and sold it. Unless George or Martha were selling it. Like, maybe, Martha was cleaning the shower drain and thought, “Hey, this might be worth something someday…”

I bet some of these hairs displayed at the museums are hairs from his wig. Next time I’m on a tour at the Smithsonian I’m gonna ask…

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