Sunday, February 23, 2025

Restaurant Column


I like to read the restaurant inspections in the paper. The inspection results fall into two categories: those without violations and those with violations. It’s pass-fail. Often the “violation” is something along the lines of “The lettuce in the refrigerator was stored below the ground beef”.  Or, “There was a bucket in the hand washing sink.” Or, “Cheese did not have an expiration date.” These “violations” don’t bother me, unless of course the bucket in the sink had chicken in it, I suppose. If the bucket in the sink is at a KFC I’m probably not going there…

What bothers me is that these minor violators get thrown in the same column with restaurants with the serious violations: the mold, the slime, rats, and the insect infestations. C’mon. Don’t we need a middle column?

To be fair to those restaurants in the rat and insect violation category, at least the rats and bugs were attracted to the food. There were no reports of rats or bugs leaving a restaurant. I guess that would be a fourth column.

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