Monday, November 4, 2024

Fish Tale

Did you hear about the fishing contest a while back where the winners got caught putting lead in the fish to make them weigh more so they would win the contest? Yeah, these guys are looking at jail time – and they have to give back their trophies. (Not sure if they got to keep the fish.)

I know they won some money, and they were sneaky dishonest and all, but jail time for a fishing contest?  That seems a bit extreme. No Houston Astros went to prison for the garbage can lid cheating scandal back in ‘17...

Maybe they can set up a less strict prison for these fish crime guys. Make ‘em eat fish that’s supposed to be de-boned but it still has bones in it. Make them eat mackerel for 3 months.

Reduce their sentence but put ‘em in small cells and pack ‘em in like sardines.  

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