The topic here at the end of January is Stuff You Never See. Sunday we talked about Co-ed Dorm spouses. Today’s topic: Male Dental Hygienists. Anybody ever seen one? I have not. Do they exist? We were talking about it recently, and one guy reasoned that men’s hands are too big, that they wouldn’t fit in someone’s mouth. Wait. What? Have you ever had a dental hygienist actually put her hand inside your mouth? And did she eventually become a lion tamer? (And why don’t we see female lion tamers?)
We know people who are, well, they call themselves “birders”. Yeah, they sit out in parks with their binoculars and their high powered telescopes and their special outfits. Looking for birds. And hey, that’s fine. But wouldn’t looking for and finding a male dental hygienist be a little more interesting? You could actually talk to him. Ask him where he’s from, why he picked this profession, what’s his favorite tooth, what’s the dirtiest set of teeth he ever had to clean, that kind of stuff.
I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to find this guy.