I went to the bakery today. When I got there I realized it's Fat Tuesday, also known as Paczki Day. The place was crazy. There were two camera crews there from local TV stations videoing us as we approached the counter. I did not happen to be buying any paczkis. Nothing against them. I am fond of them. But they're really rich, especially for someone like me still trying to lose weight from Christmas and New Years. And I have no children at home to buy for. So yeah, it was awkward being in front of the cameras NOT buying paczkis on Fat Tuesday. And I think I looked right into the cameras a couple times. I hope they don't make me the butt of their story ("Of course there's always one kinda fat guy at the bakery who does NOT buy paczkis on Fat Tuesday...").
Losing weight is already tough, but what if Fat Tuesday fell on Valentine's Day? And what if that was also your birthday? That would be the Trifecta of sweetness and that's too much sugar for one day. Can you imagine how much weight you'd gain? This would have the potential of a health crisis. And you'd, like, get clothes for your birthday and none of them would fit. That's no fun. I hate trying to coordinate the gift receipts.
I think the easy answer here is this: if Fat Tuesday does ever fall on Valentine's Day, that we move Fat Tuesday to Monday. Awkward but necessary. Local news needs good lead stories on Mondays too.
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