Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Dental Form

Yesterday at my dental appointment the receptionist handed me the dreaded clipboard. Yes, it was time to “update my records”. It’s a long, two sided form. You might get 90 seconds to fill it out. Or you might get 9 minutes. You just don’t know. So you write the fastest you’ve ever written. And your printing ends up looking like the doctor’s...

Some of these questions are nuts. Are they really asking me again if I’m pregnant? How do you answer that? “No” or “NA”? I wrote “Not yet”. I just want to see if anybody reads these things...

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Dances with Wolfs

Have you ever noticed that we always just add an “s” when a last name gets pluralized, no matter what? If your last name is Wolf, your family is known as The Wolfs, not The Wolves. If your last name is Foote, you’re known as The Footes, not The Feet. If your last name is Mann, your family is known as The Manns, not The Menn. Or The Menn and Womenn. Was the family of Julia Child known as The Childs or was it known as The Children?  

At church, did their whole family come forward for The Children’s Sermon?  

Thursday, September 19, 2019

A as in Apple II

Somebody wrote in and asked, “Do you use “Four Score” for your “Four” word in your A as in Apple thing for numbers (AATN)? We love the idea and we’re already using it in our two small busini”.  Well, thanks for the kind words, but the answer is no, I do not use “Four Score” for the number four. The reason I don’t is that, if you remember, the phrase continues “Four score and seven years…”. Saying the word “seven” could confuse the hearer. So, I use “Four Seasons” or the “Four Weddings and a Funeral” or something like that.

For the number three I do not use The Three Musketeers, since, believe it or not, a movie sequel was made called The Four Musketeers. For three I typically use The Three Stooges. You’ll no doubt ask, “But there were more than three stooges, Tommy. Did you forget about Shemp after Curly died?” The difference here is that there were never more than Three Stooges at any one point in time. Let’s use common sense folks.

Sunday, September 15, 2019


Who decides on the plural versions of nouns? It seems to me that some of these pluralings could be improved. Have you ever thought that? Today we’re going to look at words that end in the letters ess. For words like mattress and seamstress we have historically just added -es at the end of word to make it plural, as in, “We need new mattresses for the boys’ bunk beds”. That’s too many s’s for me. We end up sounding like an angry cat. My plan would be to shorten these plurals to mattri, or seamstri, as in “That dress is so large that it may take multiple seamtri to alter it”.  

Try these out on your friends. I bet you’ll have succi!!

Wednesday, September 11, 2019


Yesterday I heard somebody ask this senior citizen guy how old he was. The guy responded, “I’m gonna be 91 in February.” People often do that rounding up thing, don’t they. I’m not sure I get it. What’s wrong with just being 90? Is 91 something special? To my knowledge, you don’t get any additional tax benefits or special discounts at 91. You’re already getting the senior discount. How old do you have to be to do this rounding up?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad he’s looking forward. It’s better than answering the question, “Well, I was 89 last year.”

What if we had rounded up throughout history? “Four score and it’s gonna be 8 years ago…” Doesn’t have the same ring to it, does it?

Sunday, September 8, 2019

A as in Apple

Do you ever spell out a name of something for someone by using the A as in Apple, B as in Boy method? That helps, doesn’t it? I use that method for reading back numbers as well. In fact, I invented this method. It works like this: Let’s say you have to read back a product code to someone. And let’s say it’s a mix of letters and numbers. Your reading of the product code would go something like this: “A as in apple, zero as in Zero Mostel, K as in Kale, seven as in Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, P as in Poncho, etc”. I especially like the “seven” wording because the person hears the word seven 3 times. It would be pretty hard to mess that one up if you were writing down the code.

I of course have never seen Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, but sure enough, this person I used this method on last week had seen the movie years ago and had loved it. My goal is that this method gets popular to the point where there is a remake of Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.

How many actor brothers does Alec Baldwin have?