Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Cash Clash

I read recently about protests going on locally. The protesters staged a sit-in at a restaurant.  The article said the people were protesting about a number of issues, but that the one thing they really demanded was “change”. Wow, I thought to myself. I never thought change was a big deal. If someone asks me for change I give it to them. I’d much rather have dollar bills than those noisy coins jingling around. The protestors probably needed change for the bus ride home or maybe for the Laundromat, or maybe they were taking the bus to the Laundromat…

There was no mention in the article about whether the people stole any tips off the tables at the restaurant…  

Friday, March 22, 2019


I had a dentist appointment Thursday. My hygienist talks a lot. She talks a lot about her family. And that’s fine. I’m a captive audience and a good listener. So yeah, I know more about her family than I know about my own, I think. I try to get a word in here or there, but usually there’s equipment of some type in my mouth and I don’t get to say much. This time, though, I tried extra hard to talk ‘cause I had something important to say. When the dentist came in I got my chance and I didn’t blow it. I ask them, “Hey, are you guys here all rooting for Colgate in the NCAA’s?” They both roared.

They said I have a cavity and have to go back next month. Now I’ve got to come up with more dental themed material. Is Oral-B Roberts University in the tournament this year?  

Monday, March 18, 2019

400 Posts

Lots of you readers want me to write something special for my 400th post achievement. My response to you is this: Every post is special! Really now, do you think these things write themselves? Okay, sometimes they do, but those posts are rare. If you really knew the hours of research and editing that went into each post you wouldn’t be asking for a special 400th anniversary post.

Okay, here it is anyway. When we started this blog back in 2015, little did we know that it would catch fire and still be around 400 posts later.  Who knew that we would have readers on all seven continents and most of the literate nations? As you can see above, sometimes the pressure can be a little overwhelming. We’ve struggled with asking for donations and taking on advertisers but worry about that influencing the content. So we trudge on…

On a lighter note, spring is here – I saw my first robin today. Don’t forget to put out some worms. And some string. Put out some string. I hear they like string. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Handy Sanitizer

Every hospital room has a hand sanitizer container by the door these days. The doctors use it to cleanse their hands on their way out of the room after seeing the patient. Yeah, I understand the process. The patient is sick. The doctor wants to get germs off his or her hands. Yada, yada, yada. But do they have to do that in the room right in front of the patient? How does making the patient feel dirty help him or her get well? This practice seems a little unnecessary. I think this could be done out in the hall somewhere. Really.

We have a hand sanitizer thing where I work. I use it occasionally. But I don’t use it after shaking someone’s hand IN FRONT OF THAT PERSON. No. Wouldn’t think of it. C’mon doctors. A little sensitivity, maybe? We’re not dealing with leprosy here.   

Sunday, March 10, 2019

The Shortest Day

Today is the shortest day of the year. Scientists will tell you the shortest day is the first day of winter, the day with the least amount of daylight. But no, today is the shortest day of the year. While you were asleep, the government snatched an hour away from us, and we can’t do a thing about it. So we have to pack a typical day into 23 hours. Actually, there’s likely a lesson out there somewhere and it goes something like this: “We should live each day like it’s a 23 hour day and thus have an extra hour to do something to serve our fellow man.” How would you use that extra hour?

Unfortunately, tomorrow I will likely use that extra hour trying to change the clock on my car. 60% of the people I surveyed today had clocks in their cars that did not adjust automatically for the time change. C’mon! These cars supposedly drive themselves and they can’t even adjust their own clocks? Actually, maybe that will be a great advertising theme for the self-driving car: “The car drives itself so you can adjust the clock!”  Bring it on!

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Theater District

There’s a second run movie theater (theatre for our Canadian readers) near our house that shows movies just about the time that they’re being released on video. So you get the Halloween movies at Christmas, the Christmas movies at Easter and the Easter movies – well, there’s only Passion of the Christ and Easter Parade I guess – you get those in the summer. By the way, those two would be a great drive-in double feature, wouldn’t they?

So now the theater is showing “A Star is Born”. This is the fourth production of this story. I’m afraid to go see it, not ‘cause I think it’s scary but I’m afraid that the movies at this theater are SO old that they might be showing that old Barbara Streisand version and not the 2018 Lady Gaga version. (Is it Ga-ga or Gag-a?) Changing the names on the remakes would solve this problem. I wonder if they considered naming it “A Star is Born Again”?