Sunday, June 26, 2022

My Tribute

Summer is the season for tribute bands. While these performances can be tedious at best, some of the names of these acts can be entertaining. Here are a few I’ve stumbled across:

  •          Shania Twin – What a cool name. The only thing cooler would be if she were to be two people. Two lookalike people.  Yeah.
  •          Hotel California – They call themselves “The Original Eagles Tribute”. Gosh. I would hate to see a “tribute band” that was anything less than “original”.  
  •          Nearly Dan – I assume this is a Steely Dan tribute. Since this name is vaguer than most you’d always have one guy after the concert who would insist it was some other Dan. “I’m tellin’ ya, that was Dan Fogelberg, man.”
  •          Rolling Clones – I think to imitate the Stones you’d want 80 year old guys on the stage, like the real Rolling Stones. I’d pay to see that. Of course I’d want a senior discount on my ticket.

If I was doing a tribute, I’d go for variety and combine a couple of groups to draw a larger audience. Steely Dan Fogelberg anyone?


Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Choosy Mothers

Have you seen all the peanut butter flavored beers out there? It’s crazy. I doubt if I can expand on what’s out there, but I’ll try. Here are some peanut butter beers we’d like to see:

  •          PBR – Step aside Pabst Blue Ribbon. PBR now stands for peanut butter
  •          PPPBR – Peter Pan Pabst Blue Ribbon
  •          Jiffy Beer – Peanut flavored beer designed to accompany Jiffy Pop. The height of the can expands as it chills.
  •          Skippy Porter – I don’t know what this might be but I’ve always loved the word “Skippy”
  •          IPPPA – India Peter Pale Pan Ale

I’d like to throw out a couple of peanut butter beer tee shirt ideas as well:

  •          Peanut Butter: It’s not just for beer any more!
  •          Choosy mothers choose peanut butter beer!



Sunday, June 19, 2022

Costco VII

As a fairly new grandfather with a visiting granddaughter, I was given the task of picking up some diapers at Costco recently. Yeah, I’m a member. Needing only one item, I went in without a cart. Big mistake. Diapers at Costco come in these huge packs and I was doing all I could to haul those things back to the cashier. They were so heavy and bulky that I didn’t have a free hand to try any free food samples…

I was hungry by the time I found the diapers ‘cause I had searched the whole store looking for them. Am I the only person who thinks that diapers should be by the toilets? But no, they weren't there. That would make way too much sense...


Thursday, June 16, 2022

The Dirty Dozen

I bought a dozen donuts at the bakery last Saturday. This guy who waited on me didn’t seem to be having his best day. I told him I wanted a dozen assorted donuts and then I proceeded to tell him what the assortment should be. That likely started us out on the wrong foot. I picked out a few and then asked him how many we had done so far. “Four”, he replied, sounding like that may have been the lowest number anybody had been at when they asked how many they had so far. So yeah, he wasn’t happy ‘cause I had said “assorted” when in reality I was dictating what the “assortment” had to be. And he wasn’t happy that I had asked for the progress count at four.  

When I got home I opened the box of donuts, and found a chocolate donut in the box upside down, with the frosting smashed into the cardboard box. Was that guy vindictive? Maybe. But I’m going to give him the benefit of doubt and reason that maybe that bakery sells a lot of pineapple upside down cake and maybe he’s picked up some habits.  Yeah.    


Thursday, June 9, 2022

Shingle Family

My wife and I were driving to dinner last night when the Paul McCartney song “Helen Wheels” came on the radio. It’s a song about their SUV, their Land Rover which they affectionately named “Helen Wheels". I’ve never been much for that song so “we” changed the station. Later in the evening we were texting with our kids and our son, who was familiar with the restaurant, mentioned one of the entrees there which he described as “Hell on Wheels”. How crazy is that?

Well, believe it or not, I can top that. A couple of weeks ago I got my first Shingles vaccine. (It must be working ‘cause I don’t have it yet.) When I came home from work that night our neighbors were getting a new roof. That's right. You can’t make this stuff up.

It looks like we have the makings of one crazy summer coming up! I can't wait!


Sunday, June 5, 2022

Must be Fanta! Must be Fanta!

We were waiting in the airport for a delayed flight last month. After a while, a woman sitting near us asked me to watch her carry-on bag. I said sure, thinking she’d be back soon. I wasn’t going anywhere. But she didn’t come back right away. Finally, after 35 minutes, she came back with a half drank Fanta Pineapple soda. So yeah, I thought about what I would do if I was asked to do this in the future. The options would include:

  •          Say yes. See above. It could be a while.
  •         Say no. Then you have to move ‘cause it would be awkward being near her when she got back. And, what if her seat is next to yours on the plane? Yikes!
  •        Say yes, but set a time limit. This sounds cold.
  •        Say yes, but only if she brings you back a bottle of Fanta Pineapple soda.

I think the fourth option is the way to go here. You can't get Fanta Pineapple on the plane. I know, 'cause I always ask for it.