Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Follow Up Holidays

We don’t do a good job in this country with “follow up holidays”, days that follow a holiday and, frankly, deserve some recognition. I’m sure there’re more out there but here’s a start:

  • Dentist Day (November 1st) – This is the day you end up taking your child to the dentist after he or she fall victim to Dots, or JuJubes. Dentists leave these dates open ‘cause they know the kids are coming…
  • Corned Beef Hash Day (March 18th) – Why not stir up a delicious pan of corned beef hash on the day after St. Patrick’s Day? You’re gonna have leftover corned beef.  And you might have people crashed at your house who need to be fed. Even if you don’t know who they are – what better way to get to know them!
  • Six Weeks Later Day – (March 16th?) If the ground hog sees his shadow, there’s six more weeks of winter. Well, when exactly are those six weeks over? Is anybody tracking this? Hello?

Mark your calendars! And somebody call Hallmark.

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday!! Maybe Hallmark will add your birthday and the day after to the official list...I'll make a call.

