Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Nice Day for a White Wig

Next week I might be on jury duty. So I’ve been watching some Law & Order reruns and I’ve learned quite a bit about our judicial system. Here’s what I’ve learned:

  • The jurists get the box seats. I like that.
  • The jurists apparently do not typically wear the white wigs like Washington and Adams wore. Did those wigs go out of style all at once, or did it happen gradually over time? If the latter, who was the last guy to wear the white wig? Did Ruth Bader Ginsberg wear the white wig when she was first coming up through the ranks? If I show up in a white wig, I bet they make me foreman of the jury…
  • The jurists do not get to yell “I object”.  There is one exception to this apparently. You can yell that during the jury selection process if you don’t want to be on the jury.

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