Sunday, August 11, 2024

The Wall of Shoes

There’s this house across town that, if you drive by it when the garage door is open, you can see one side wall of the garage is a huge shoe rack. And it’s full. It looks like a Kinney Shoe Store in there. The shoes go all the way to the garage door. Since this is not a very convenient place to keep shoes – well I suppose it’s more handy than keeping them outside – I’m guessing this is the shoe overflow area. These are the ones that only get worn a couple times a year, or maybe a couple times a decade. Maybe only on Easter. In a case like this, what must their reserve shoelace supply drawer look like?

Don’t you hate it when you have shoes that you know that there are no replacement shoe laces anywhere close to what’s on that shoe? So you coddle the original laces, trying not to break the laces. When they do finally break the replacement laces totally change the character of the shoe. Bummer.

Maybe, just maybe, the Wall of Shoes person has dealt with the heartbreak of having to replace the irreplaceable shoe laces and at least a portion of the Wall of Shoes is simply duplicates of the shoes they have in their closet for which they know they can't find replacement shoe laces. I bet that’s it.

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