Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Soup Etiquette

Have you ever looked at a pot of soup at a buffet after the guys ahead of you took all the noodles and the vegetables and the meat and just left you broth? That’s no fun, is it? And you want to walk by their table and show them your bowl of broth? Soup etiquette says you can’t do that.     

My wife and I were out at a nice restaurant for lunch last week. We had had a large breakfast so I just ordered a bowl of soup. It was beef barley and it was delicious. After a few minutes our attentive waitress came by and asked us if we wanted refills on our coffee. I wanted to ask her for a refill on my soup, but I know you’re not allowed to do that. Soup etiquette.

One of our readers noted that it’s too bad you can’t do the soup refill ‘cause it would be simpler than the coffee refill - you wouldn’t have to deal with that awkward issue of whether or not to leave room for cream.

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