Thursday, July 11, 2024

Hot (Dog) off the Press


I know we’ve written about hot dogs a lot lately and I apologize for that, but historically we’ve had a number of meat related posts, and sometimes you just can’t avoid talking about meat. And some people consider hot dogs to be meat. But yeah, the Coney Island Hot Dog competition was held on 4th like it always is. Here are some select thoughts on that event:

  •           They don’t use coney island hot dogs! Their dogs have no sauce. Yet it’s held at Coney Island. C’mon!
  • I  read about the event in the regular news section. Can we get this into the sports section already? How is it ever going to get into the Olympics if we don’t call it a sport?
  • There is still a separate women’s event. What’s up with that? Do women eat less than men? C’mon. This is 2024. Let’s combine. Equality!

And I noticed that none of the contestants were “miked up”. Can we please get with the times already?

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