Sunday, September 15, 2024

Falling Down

Remember the song “Ring Around the Rosie” we sang as kids? We’d all join hands and walk in a circle, and fall down. That song of course stems back to the plague of the 1300’s. I think we all know that connection now, but it might have been nice for someone to tell us about that when we were little…

The other song like that was “London Bridge is Falling Down” which dates back to the 11th century when Viking Olaf II invaded the British Isles. Fun songs, huh? These two could be grouped together for a peppy marching band halftime show. The band would fall down at the end of each number.

Well, there’s a third song we can add to the mix. “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes” is, I think, about Foot and Mouth Disease. I mean, it’s gotta be, right? Hey, I’m pretty busy running this blog and I don’t have time to research that, but if somebody could check it out, it’d be much appreciated.

On a related note, I’m not aware of any songs celebrating Foot in Mouth Disease.

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