Saturday, April 8, 2017

Fifteen Seconds of Fame

I was listening to a baseball game on the radio today when a fan ran onto the field. The announcers always downplay that type of thing because they don’t want to encourage it, but c’mon, it can be entertaining seeing someone get arrested, especially if the game is not close. Everybody likes a good chase scene where the bad guy gets what's coming to him. That got me to thinking: Does the guy running onto the field think he’s not going to get caught? It’s a walled stadium, right? Where’s he gonna go? How does he hope to escape? He’s got about as much chance of getting out as my childhood overweight hamster had of escaping his metal cage. His only chance of not getting caught is to have a couple hundred others join him on the field and that never happens. Secondly, the guy always runs on the field during a stoppage in play. C’mon! If you’re gonna run out on the field and get arrested and all, at least try to make a play. Run out there and catch a pop-up or something.  

There’s gotta be that one case though, when the guy ran out on the field, and a scout saw how fast he was, and the guy ended up getting a tryout. I bet that's happened and they’re not telling us.

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