Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Dental Anguish

I have an appointment with the dentist tomorrow. They called today to remind me of the appointment and told me the following:
  •  Wear a mask. Wait. What? How’s he gonna see my teeth? Is there a special mask with a hole for the mouth, I wonder? How’re they gonna know it’s me?
  • I have to wait in my car ‘til they call me in. I like this idea. That way, if I’m late they won’t know. I’ll say I’m on my way in and drive fast. On second thought, why can’t the dentist just come out and look at me in my car? Is that asking too much?
  • They’ll take my temperature when I get there. Makes sense. I’m supposed to take my temperature every morning for work. Why hasn’t somebody invented the toothbrush with the thermometer in the handle yet? That only makes sense…
Remember when The Dental Drive-Through Window used to be a far-fetched concept?

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