Wednesday, November 3, 2021


I texted my wife in Houston last night. She’s there for the birth of our first grandchild, a beautiful little girl who I cannot wait to see in person. That can't happen soon enough! Of course there also was the final game of the World Series last night, also in Houston, where the Astros lost to Atlanta. So, trying to tie the two events together (that’s what we do here at UT), I told my wife that before long the baby would be taller than Jose Altuve, the diminutive second baseman for the Astros. We both laughed (I think). I ended my side of the conversation with “GN” for good night.

Well, when I typed “GN”, my phone immediately tried to finish the word, and it suggested the word “gnome”. Wow! Was my phone thinking gnome ‘cause I mentioned Jose Altuve earlier in my text? That was disturbing, ‘cause I have never, and will never refer to Jose Altuve or any other person as a gnome. Shame on my phone for doing that, especially after a loss.

I mean, why didn’t it suggest the word “gnat”? There’re a lot more gnats than there are gnomes.



1 comment:

  1. Also, I thought everything was supposed to be bigger in Texas!
