Sunday, July 16, 2023

Hey, Hey, You, You, Get Off of my Lawn!

Remember when you were growing up and there was that guy down the street who always yelled at kids who stepped on his lawn? What was up with that guy?

             Was he really worried about his grass? Did he think kids were gonna kill it?

             Was grass more brittle then?

             Did he just not like kids?

             Was he ever a kid?

             Did he play golf? If so, did he replace his divots? I’m thinking that he didn’t play golf ‘cause to do that you walk on the grass

             If he was alive today and could have Invisible Fence in his front yard to keep people out, would he sit out on his porch and watch kids get shocked and try to hide his smile?

When he died, did the people, out of respect for him, stay off the grass at the graveside service? Did they just observe from that little road that goes through the cemetery? 



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