Sunday, March 17, 2024

Psycho Alpha Disco Beta

I like renting cottages where they provide the fun rainy day materials. You know: puzzles, books, games, stuff like that. You never know what you’re gonna get. Chances are the puzzles are missing a piece or two, so you gotta do the other puzzle to see if your missing pieces ended up in that box. And you’re running out of table space and you can’t do the second one on the picnic table ‘cause it’s raining…

One time we played Scrabble at a cottage only to find out letters were missing. There weren’t any s’s if I remember correctly. And we were missing some vowels. What kind of sick person steals letters from Scrabble?

Speaking of letters, remember Alpha-Bits Cereal? Post stopped making it. It always tasted stale. I think people used it to play Scrabble and then put the letters back in the box.

At least Alpha-Bits had vowels.  

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