Saturday, May 4, 2024

Google Gurgle


I was dictating into my phone today. It was late morning. I had paused my dictation and was pondering my next words when my stomach gurgled. Yes, I was hungry. Amazingly, the phone heard the gurgle and typed a word. That word was “No”. No exclamation mark, no other words, just “No”.  Unlike “ET phone home” the message was not clear. Regardless, I am amazed that my phone could translate the sound. I have a friend who used to work at Radio Shack and I’m gonna ask him about it. 

I don’t think anyone (even the Radio Shack guy) understands what these smart phones are capable of. We’re probably just scratching the surface. Like, has anyone ever had their dog bark into their smart phone?

Tomorrow I’m gonna run around in the back yard and get the neighbor’s dog to bark. I can’t wait to see what he has to say.

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