Monday, May 27, 2024

Left Holding the Bag

I saw a guy walking with a leash today but there was no dog. He was walking casually, so I don’t think it was a case of the dog escaping or anything. And just last week I saw a guy walking with a white bag – it looked like one of those “doggie bags” you take with you when you walk your dog.  It could have been a bag with some grocery item in it, but there were no stores (or restaurants) anywhere near where I saw this person. No, it was not the same person. And no, I haven’t seen a person walking with both the un-dogged leash AND a bag yet…

Is this a dog withdrawal therapy type thing maybe? The leash and/or the bag take the place of the dog when the dog’s not around anymore? 

If I go through this process someday I think I’ll choose the leash option. 

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