Sunday, June 2, 2024

Tee Party

We used to have to speak in code around our dog Coco. She knew her name and if we wanted to talk about her in front of her we’d say her name backward, or “OckOck” She never figured it out.

We had people over yesterday and I couldn’t remember if my wife had reloaded the downstairs bathroom with toilet tissue. It’s awkward when you have guests over and you have to ask that. So I worked out a code, much like what we had done with Coco decades ago.  TP is the standard code for toilet tissue, but everybody knows that, so it’s not much of code. So we morphed from TP to "wigwam". So far it’s working.

I wrote a piece a while back about Chief White Cloud of the Iowa People in the mid-1700’s. (Yeah, I did!) It never occurred to me that Chief White Cloud must have lived in a tee-pee.  How weird is that?

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