Monday, December 4, 2017

Sweaty Voting Booth

When I voted last month at our elementary school I couldn’t help but notice that the person before me left an odor behind. Our booths are fairly open. There’s no curtain or anything. But it stunk. How does this happen in November?  Did he (or she?) sweat over their decisions in the booth? With this type of stench entering the schools, it’s no wonder they close school on voting day. Kids have to eat in that room…

They did not close school for the mayoral primary in September. Weird. Do they think that none of the threatening, dangerous people would vote in a primary? Do those types just show up for tax levy votes? Did I miss the research on this? There were no incidents that day so their research must have been good…

I don’t recall a stench in September either. Believe you me, I would remember that.

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