Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Donkey Tales

Pin the Tail on the Donkey (PTTOTD) is a horrid game. It was played at just about every birthday party when I was a kid. First we would get blindfolded. I get that. But then somebody’s mom would spin you, get you all dizzy and all. Then you would stumble around the room, trying not to vomit, and eventually pin the tail on your friend’s dog or something. This was somehow considered fun. And of course you always had the kid who peeked and pinned the tail right on that burro. I was never that kid. If you think of the kid from your neighborhood who ended up in the joint, odds are he’s the kid who cheated at PTTOTD...

Nowadays we’ve progressed to having blindfolded kids swing a baseball bat at a piñata. Not sure what lasting effect this has on kids, but can it possibly be good? I’ve never heard of a baseball or softball player being discovered at a piñata game, but I suppose it could happen. (“Did you see that level swing?”) 

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