Monday, April 17, 2023

Canned Meat

Hey, what’s with the children’s Cow in a Can toy?  Those things have been around forever. They don’t require batteries, they never break, they’re inexpensive and yes, they really sound like a cow. You likely had one, your parents had one and your kids have one. Maybe yours was handed down. For those of you from another planet (and I know we have readers out there), these are can shaped, and they typically have a picture of a cow on the outside. You tip it over and it makes a cow sound.  I’m not sure what you do with them after that initial first tip. But hey, it’s a harmless toy. And kind of fun.

But now I see that Walmart has taken these cans to a new level. They’re selling these cans in a 12 pack now. Sorry Walmart. Kids' toys and 12 pack should never be in the same sentence.

It really doesn’t take a genius to figure this stuff out.


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