Monday, October 26, 2015

Maybe A Little Too Much Fun?

We have a newly restored bridge across the river near our downtown area. It’s a tall, steep bridge – tall enough for freighters to go under it. I saw two policemen on bicycles crossing the bridge today. It was a nice fall day – a nice day for a bike ride, and they appeared to be enjoying themselves. The bridge is nearly a mile long. There are no cops on bike patrol in the neighborhood on the other side of the bridge, so this was strictly a ride over the bridge and a ride back.  While I admire the fact that the police are in good enough shape to pedal up the steep incline (that’s gotta be fun coming down!), I’m not sure what they were doing up there. Nobody gets robbed on the bridge. There’s no drug deals there (there are cracks but no crack), nobody walks the bridge.  I suppose it could have been worse. They could have been riding no hands on the way down the hill or performing some other type of tricks on the bikes.  Regardless, they were having way too much fun. 

As a citizen, here’s where I draw the line: If those cops start putting baseball cards in their spokes with clothespins to make that motor sound, I’m gonna mention something to the sheriff Friday at Rotary.

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